Source code for eodatasets3.images

import math
import os
import string
import sys
import tempfile
from collections import defaultdict
from enum import Enum, auto
from pathlib import Path, PurePath
from typing import (

import attr
import numpy
import rasterio
import rasterio.features
import shapely
import shapely.affinity
import shapely.ops
import xarray
from affine import Affine
from rasterio import DatasetReader
from rasterio.coords import BoundingBox
from import CRS
from rasterio.enums import Resampling
from import DatasetWriter, MemoryFile
from rasterio.shutil import copy as rio_copy
from rasterio.warp import calculate_default_transform, reproject
from scipy.ndimage import binary_fill_holes
from shapely.geometry import box
from shapely.geometry.base import CAP_STYLE, JOIN_STYLE, BaseGeometry

from eodatasets3.model import DatasetDoc, GridDoc, MeasurementDoc
from import FileFormat


    import h5py
except ImportError:
    h5py = None

[docs]class ValidDataMethod(Enum): """ How to calculate the valid data geometry for an image? """ #: Vectorize the full valid pixel mask as-is. #: #: In some circumstances this can be very slow. #: `filled` may be safer. #: thorough = auto() #: Fill holes in the valid pixel mask before vectorizing. #: #: (Potentially much faster than ``thorough`` if there's many small #: nodata holes, as they will create many tiny polygons. #: *slightly* slower if no holes exist.) filled = auto() #: Take convex-hull of valid pixel mask before vectorizing. #: #: This is much slower than ``filled``, but will work in cases where #: you have a lot of internal geometry that aren't holes. #: Such as SLC-Off Landsat 7 data. #: #: Requires 'scikit-image' dependency. convex_hull = auto() #: Use the image file bounds, ignoring actual pixel values. bounds = auto()
[docs]@attr.s(auto_attribs=True, slots=True, hash=True, frozen=True) class GridSpec: """ The grid spec defines the coordinates/transform and size of pixels of a measurment. The easiest way to create one is use the ``GridSpec.from_*()`` class methods, such as ``GridSpec.from_path(my_image_path)``. To create one manually: >>> from eodatasets3 import GridSpec >>> from affine import Affine >>> from import CRS >>> g = GridSpec(shape=(7721, 7621), ... transform=Affine(30.0, 0.0, 241485.0, 0.0, -30.0, -2281485.0), ... crs=CRS.from_epsg(32656)) >>> # Numbers copied from equivalent rio dataset.bounds call. >>> g.bounds BoundingBox(left=241485.0, bottom=-2513115.0, right=470115.0, top=-2281485.0) >>> g.resolution_yx (30.0, 30.0) """ #: shape: Tuple[int, int] #: transform: Affine #: crs: CRS = attr.ib( metadata=dict(doc_exclude=True), default=None, hash=False, eq=False )
[docs] @classmethod def from_dataset_doc(cls, ds: DatasetDoc, grid="default") -> "GridSpec": """ Create from an existing parsed metadata document :param grid: Grid name to read, if not the default. """ g = ds.grids[grid] if"epsg:"): crs = CRS.from_epsg([5:]) else: crs = CRS.from_wkt( return GridSpec(g.shape, g.transform, crs=crs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_rio(cls, dataset: rasterio.DatasetReader) -> "GridSpec": """Create from an open rasterio dataset""" return cls(shape=dataset.shape, transform=dataset.transform,
@property def resolution_yx(self): return abs(self.transform[4]), abs(self.transform[0])
[docs] @classmethod def from_odc_xarray(cls, dataset: xarray.Dataset) -> "GridSpec": """Create from an ODC xarray""" shape = {v.shape for v in dataset.data_vars.values()}.pop() return cls( shape=shape, transform=dataset.geobox.transform, crs=CRS.from_wkt(, )
[docs] @classmethod def from_path(cls, path: str) -> "GridSpec": """Create from the spec of a (rio-readable) filesystem path or url""" with as rio: return GridSpec.from_rio(rio)
@property def bounds(self): """ Get bounding box. """ return BoundingBox( *(self.transform * (0, self.shape[0])) + (self.transform * (self.shape[1], 0)) )
def generate_tiles( samples: int, lines: int, xtile: int = None, ytile: int = None ) -> Generator[Tuple[Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int]], None, None]: """ Generates a list of tile indices for a 2D array. :param samples: An integer expressing the total number of samples in an array. :param lines: An integer expressing the total number of lines in an array. :param xtile: (Optional) The desired size of the tile in the x-direction. Default is all samples :param ytile: (Optional) The desired size of the tile in the y-direction. Default is min(100, lines) lines. :return: Each tuple in the generator contains ((ystart,yend),(xstart,xend)). >>> import pprint >>> tiles = generate_tiles(1624, 1567, xtile=1000, ytile=400) >>> pprint.pprint(list(tiles)) [((0, 400), (0, 1000)), ((0, 400), (1000, 1624)), ((400, 800), (0, 1000)), ((400, 800), (1000, 1624)), ((800, 1200), (0, 1000)), ((800, 1200), (1000, 1624)), ((1200, 1567), (0, 1000)), ((1200, 1567), (1000, 1624))] """ def create_tiles(samples, lines, xstart, ystart): """ Creates a generator object for the tiles. """ for ystep in ystart: if ystep + ytile < lines: yend = ystep + ytile else: yend = lines for xstep in xstart: if xstep + xtile < samples: xend = xstep + xtile else: xend = samples yield ((ystep, yend), (xstep, xend)) # check for default or out of bounds if xtile is None or xtile < 0: xtile = samples if ytile is None or ytile < 0: ytile = min(100, lines) xstart = numpy.arange(0, samples, xtile) ystart = numpy.arange(0, lines, ytile) tiles = create_tiles(samples, lines, xstart, ystart) return tiles def _common_suffix(names: Iterable[str]) -> str: return os.path.commonprefix([s[::-1] for s in names])[::-1] def _find_a_common_name( group_of_names: Sequence[str], all_possible_names: Set[str] = None ) -> Optional[str]: """ If we have a list of band names, can we find a nice name for the group of them? (used when naming the grid for a set of bands) >>> _find_a_common_name(['nbar_blue', 'nbar_red']) 'nbar' >>> _find_a_common_name(['nbar_band08', 'nbart_band08']) 'band08' >>> _find_a_common_name(['nbar:band08', 'nbart:band08']) 'band08' >>> _find_a_common_name(['panchromatic']) 'panchromatic' >>> _find_a_common_name(['nbar_panchromatic']) 'nbar_panchromatic' >>> # It's ok to find nothing. >>> _find_a_common_name(['nbar_blue', 'nbar_red', 'qa']) >>> _find_a_common_name(['a', 'b']) >>> # If a name is taken by non-group memebers, it shouldn't be chosen >>> # (There's an 'nbar' prefix outside of the group, so shouldn't be found) >>> all_names = {'nbar_blue', 'nbar_red', 'nbar_green', 'nbart_blue'} >>> _find_a_common_name(['nbar_blue', 'nbar_red'], all_possible_names=all_names) >>> _find_a_common_name(['nbar_blue', 'nbar_red', 'nbar_green'], all_possible_names=all_names) 'nbar' """ options = [] non_group_names = (all_possible_names or set()).difference(group_of_names) # If all measurements have a common prefix (like 'nbar_') it makes a nice grid name. prefix = os.path.commonprefix(group_of_names) if not any(name.startswith(prefix) for name in non_group_names): options.append(prefix) suffix = _common_suffix(group_of_names) if not any(name.endswith(suffix) for name in non_group_names): options.append(suffix) if not options: return None options = [s.strip("_:") for s in options] # Pick the longest candidate. options.sort(key=len, reverse=True) return options[0] or None @attr.s(auto_attribs=True, slots=True) class _MeasurementLocation: path: Union[Path, str] layer: str = None _Measurements = Dict[str, _MeasurementLocation] class MeasurementBundler: """ Incrementally record the information for a set of measurements/images to group into grids, calculate geometry etc, suitable for metadata. """ def __init__(self): # The measurements grouped by their grid. # (value is band_name->Path) self._measurements_per_grid: Dict[GridSpec, _Measurements] = defaultdict(dict) # Valid data mask per grid, in pixel coordinates. self.mask_by_grid: Dict[GridSpec, numpy.ndarray] = {} def record_image( self, name: str, grid: GridSpec, path: Union[PurePath, str], img: numpy.ndarray, layer: Optional[str] = None, nodata: Optional[Union[float, int]] = None, expand_valid_data=True, ): for measurements in self._measurements_per_grid.values(): if name in measurements: raise ValueError( f"Duplicate addition of band called {name!r}. " f"Original at {measurements[name]} and now {path}" ) self._measurements_per_grid[grid][name] = _MeasurementLocation(path, layer) if expand_valid_data: self._expand_valid_data_mask(grid, img, nodata) def _expand_valid_data_mask( self, grid: GridSpec, img: numpy.ndarray, nodata: Union[float, int] ): if nodata is None: nodata = float("nan") if numpy.issubdtype(img.dtype, numpy.floating) else 0 if math.isnan(nodata): valid_values = numpy.isfinite(img) else: valid_values = img != nodata mask = self.mask_by_grid.get(grid) if mask is None: mask = valid_values else: mask |= valid_values self.mask_by_grid[grid] = mask def _as_named_grids(self) -> Dict[str, Tuple[GridSpec, _Measurements]]: """Get our grids with sensible (hopefully!), names.""" # Order grids from most to fewest measurements. # PyCharm's typing seems to get confused by the sorted() call. # noinspection PyTypeChecker grids_by_frequency: List[Tuple[GridSpec, _Measurements]] = sorted( self._measurements_per_grid.items(), key=lambda k: len(k[1]), reverse=True ) # The largest group is the default. default_grid = grids_by_frequency.pop(0) named_grids = {"default": default_grid} # No other grids? Nothing to do! if not grids_by_frequency: return named_grids # First try to name them via common prefixes, suffixes etc. all_measurement_names = set(self.iter_names()) for grid, measurements in grids_by_frequency: if len(measurements) == 1: grid_name = "_".join(measurements.keys()) else: grid_name = _find_a_common_name( list(measurements.keys()), all_possible_names=all_measurement_names ) if not grid_name: # Nothing useful found! break if grid_name in named_grids: # Clash of names! This strategy wont work. break named_grids[grid_name] = (grid, measurements) else: # We finished without a clash. return named_grids # Otherwise, try resolution names: named_grids = {"default": default_grid} for grid, measurements in grids_by_frequency: res_y, res_x = grid.resolution_yx if res_x > 1: res_x = int(res_x) grid_name = f"{res_x}" if grid_name in named_grids: # Clash of names! This strategy wont work. break named_grids[grid_name] = (grid, measurements) else: # We finished without a clash. return named_grids # No strategies worked! # Enumerated, alphabetical letter names. Grid 'a', Grid 'b', etc... grid_names = list(string.ascii_letters) if len(grids_by_frequency) > len(grid_names): raise NotImplementedError( f"More than {len(grid_names)} grids that cannot be named!" ) return { "default": default_grid, **{ grid_names[i]: (grid, measurements) for i, (grid, measurements) in enumerate(grids_by_frequency) }, } def as_geo_docs(self) -> Tuple[CRS, Dict[str, GridDoc], Dict[str, MeasurementDoc]]: """Calculate combined geo information for metadata docs""" if not self._measurements_per_grid: return None, None, None grid_docs: Dict[str, GridDoc] = {} measurement_docs: Dict[str, MeasurementDoc] = {} crs = None for grid_name, (grid, measurements) in self._as_named_grids().items(): # Validate assumption: All grids should have same CRS if crs is None: crs = # TODO: CRS equality is tricky. This may not work. # We're assuming a group of measurements specify their CRS # the same way if they are the same. elif != crs: raise ValueError( f"Measurements have different CRSes in the same dataset:\n" f"\t{crs.to_string()!r}\n" f"\t{!r}\n" ) grid_docs[grid_name] = GridDoc(grid.shape, grid.transform) for measurement_name, measurement_path in measurements.items(): # No measurement groups in the doc: we replace with underscores. measurement_name = measurement_name.replace(":", "_") measurement_docs[measurement_name] = MeasurementDoc( path=measurement_path.path, layer=measurement_path.layer, grid=grid_name if grid_name != "default" else None, ) return crs, grid_docs, measurement_docs def consume_and_get_valid_data( self, valid_data_method: ValidDataMethod = ValidDataMethod.thorough ) -> BaseGeometry: """ Consume the stored grids and produce the valid data for them. (they are consumed in order to to minimise peak memory usage) :param valid_data_method: How to calculate the valid-data polygon? """ geoms = [] while self.mask_by_grid: grid, mask = self.mask_by_grid.popitem() if valid_data_method is ValidDataMethod.bounds: geom = box(*grid.bounds) elif valid_data_method is ValidDataMethod.filled: mask = mask.astype("uint8") binary_fill_holes(mask, output=mask) geom = _grid_to_poly(grid, mask) elif valid_data_method is ValidDataMethod.convex_hull: # Requires optional dependency scikit-image from skimage import morphology as morph geom = _grid_to_poly( grid, morph.convex_hull_image(mask).astype("uint8") ) elif valid_data_method is ValidDataMethod.thorough: geom = _grid_to_poly(grid, mask.astype("uint8")) else: raise NotImplementedError( f"Unexpected valid data method: {valid_data_method}" ) geoms.append(geom) return shapely.ops.unary_union(geoms) def iter_names(self) -> Generator[str, None, None]: """All known measurement names""" for grid, measurements in self._measurements_per_grid.items(): for band_name, _ in measurements.items(): yield band_name def iter_paths(self) -> Generator[Tuple[GridSpec, str, Path], None, None]: """All current measurement paths on disk""" for grid, measurements in self._measurements_per_grid.items(): for band_name, meas_path in measurements.items(): yield grid, band_name, meas_path.path def _valid_shape(shape: BaseGeometry) -> BaseGeometry: if shape.is_valid: return shape return shape.buffer(0) def _grid_to_poly(grid: GridSpec, mask: numpy.ndarray) -> BaseGeometry: shape = shapely.ops.unary_union( [ _valid_shape(shapely.geometry.shape(shape)) for shape, val in rasterio.features.shapes(mask) if val == 1 ] ) shape_y, shape_x = mask.shape del mask # convex hull geom = shape.convex_hull # buffer by 1 pixel geom = geom.buffer(1, cap_style=CAP_STYLE.square, join_style=JOIN_STYLE.bevel) # simplify with 1 pixel radius geom = geom.simplify(1) # intersect with image bounding box geom = geom.intersection(, 0, shape_x, shape_y)) # transform from pixel space into CRS space geom = shapely.affinity.affine_transform( geom, ( grid.transform.a, grid.transform.b, grid.transform.d, grid.transform.e, grid.transform.xoff, grid.transform.yoff, ), ) return geom @attr.s(auto_attribs=True) class WriteResult: # path: Path # The value to put in 'odc:file_format' metadata field. file_format: FileFormat # size_bytes: int class FileWrite: """ Write COGs from arrays / files. This code is derived from the old eugl packaging code and can probably be improved. """ PREDICTOR_DEFAULTS = { "int8": 2, "uint8": 2, "int16": 2, "uint16": 2, "int32": 2, "uint32": 2, "int64": 2, "uint64": 2, "float32": 3, "float64": 3, } def __init__( self, gdal_options: Dict = None, overview_blocksize: Optional[int] = None, ) -> None: super().__init__() self.options = gdal_options or {} self.overview_blocksize = overview_blocksize @classmethod def from_existing( cls, shape: Tuple[int, int], overviews: bool = True, blocksize_yx: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None, overview_blocksize: Optional[int] = None, compress="deflate", zlevel=4, ) -> "FileWrite": """Returns write_img options according to the source imagery provided :param overviews: (boolean) sets overview flags in gdal config options :param blockxsize: (int) override the derived base blockxsize in cogtif conversion :param blockysize: (int) override the derived base blockysize in cogtif conversion """ options = {"compress": compress, "zlevel": zlevel} y_size, x_size = blocksize_yx or (512, 512) # Do not set block sizes for small imagery if shape[0] < y_size and shape[1] < x_size: pass else: options["blockxsize"] = x_size options["blockysize"] = y_size options["tiled"] = "yes" if overviews: options["copy_src_overviews"] = "yes" return FileWrite(options, overview_blocksize=overview_blocksize) def write_from_ndarray( self, array: numpy.ndarray, out_filename: Path, geobox: GridSpec = None, nodata: int = None, overview_resampling=Resampling.nearest, overviews: Optional[Tuple[int, ...]] = DEFAULT_OVERVIEWS, ) -> WriteResult: """ Writes a 2D/3D image to disk using rasterio. :param array: A 2D/3D NumPy array. :param out_filename: A string containing the output file name. :param geobox: An instance of a GriddedGeoBox object. :param nodata: A value representing the no data value for the array. :param overview_resampling: If levels is set, build overviews using a resampling method from `rasterio.enums.Resampling` Default is `Resampling.nearest`. :notes: If array is an instance of a `h5py.Dataset`, then the output file will include blocksizes based on the `h5py.Dataset's` chunks. To override the blocksizes, specify them using the `options` keyword. Eg {'blockxsize': 512, 'blockysize': 512}. """ if out_filename.exists(): # Sanity check. Our measurements should have different names... raise RuntimeError( f"measurement output file already exists? {out_filename}" ) # TODO: Old packager never passed in tags. Perhaps we want some? tags = {} dtype = # Check for excluded datatypes excluded_dtypes = ["int64", "int8", "uint64"] if dtype in excluded_dtypes: raise TypeError(f"Datatype not supported: {dtype}") # convert any bools to uin8 if dtype == "bool": array = numpy.uint8(array) dtype = "uint8" ndims = array.ndim shape = array.shape # Get the (z, y, x) dimensions (assuming BSQ interleave) if ndims == 2: samples = shape[1] lines = shape[0] bands = 1 elif ndims == 3: samples = shape[2] lines = shape[1] bands = shape[0] else: raise IndexError(f"Input array is not of 2 or 3 dimensions. Got {ndims}") transform = None projection = None if geobox is not None: transform = geobox.transform projection = rio_args = { "count": bands, "width": samples, "height": lines, "crs": projection, "transform": transform, "dtype": dtype, "driver": "GTiff", "predictor": self.PREDICTOR_DEFAULTS[dtype], } if nodata is not None: rio_args["nodata"] = nodata if h5py is not None and isinstance(array, h5py.Dataset): # TODO: if array is 3D get x & y chunks if array.chunks[1] == array.shape[1]: # GDAL doesn't like tiled or blocksize options to be set # the same length as the columns (probably true for rows as well) array = array[:] else: y_tile, x_tile = array.chunks tiles = generate_tiles(samples, lines, x_tile, y_tile) if "tiled" in self.options: rio_args["blockxsize"] = self.options.get("blockxsize", x_tile) rio_args["blockysize"] = self.options.get("blockysize", y_tile) # the user can override any derived blocksizes by supplying `options` # handle case where no options are provided for key in self.options: rio_args[key] = self.options[key] # Write to temp directory first so we can add levels afterwards with gdal. with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory( dir=out_filename.parent, prefix=".band_write" ) as tmpdir: unstructured_image = Path(tmpdir) / """ This is a wrapper around rasterio writing tiles to enable writing to a temporary location before rearranging the overviews within the file by gdal when required """ with, "w", **rio_args) as outds: if bands == 1: if h5py is not None and isinstance(array, h5py.Dataset): for tile in tiles: idx = ( slice(tile[0][0], tile[0][1]), slice(tile[1][0], tile[1][1]), ) outds.write(array[idx], 1, window=tile) else: outds.write(array, 1) else: if h5py is not None and isinstance(array, h5py.Dataset): for tile in tiles: idx = ( slice(tile[0][0], tile[0][1]), slice(tile[1][0], tile[1][1]), ) subs = array[:, idx[0], idx[1]] for i in range(bands): outds.write(subs[i], i + 1, window=tile) else: for i in range(bands): outds.write(array[i], i + 1) if tags is not None: outds.update_tags(**tags) # overviews/pyramids to disk if overviews: outds.build_overviews(overviews, overview_resampling) if overviews: # Move the overviews to the start of the file, as required to be COG-compliant. with rasterio.Env( GDAL_TIFF_OVR_BLOCKSIZE=self.overview_blocksize or 512 ): rio_copy( unstructured_image, out_filename, **{"copy_src_overviews": True, **rio_args}, ) else: unstructured_image.rename(out_filename) return WriteResult(file_format=FileFormat.GeoTIFF) def create_thumbnail( self, rgb: Tuple[Path, Path, Path], out: Path, out_scale=10, resampling=Resampling.average, static_stretch: Tuple[int, int] = None, percentile_stretch: Tuple[int, int] = (2, 98), compress_quality: int = 85, input_geobox: GridSpec = None, ): """ Generate a thumbnail jpg image using the given three paths as red,green, blue. A linear stretch is performed on the colour. By default this is a dynamic 2% stretch (the 2% and 98% percentile values of the input). The static_stretch parameter will override this with a static range of values. If the input image has a valid no data value, the no data will be set to 0 in the output image. Any non-contiguous data across the colour domain, will be set to zero. """ # No aux.xml file with our jpeg. with rasterio.Env(GDAL_PAM_ENABLED=False): with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory( dir=out.parent, prefix=".thumbgen-" ) as tmpdir: tmp_quicklook_path = Path(tmpdir) / "quicklook.tif" # We write an intensity-scaled, reprojected version of the dataset at full res. # Then write a scaled JPEG verison. (TODO: can we do it in one step?) ql_grid = _write_quicklook( rgb, tmp_quicklook_path, resampling, static_range=static_stretch, percentile_range=percentile_stretch, input_geobox=input_geobox, ) out_crs = # Scale and write as JPEG to the output. ( thumb_transform, thumb_width, thumb_height, ) = calculate_default_transform( out_crs, out_crs, ql_grid.shape[1], ql_grid.shape[0], *ql_grid.bounds, dst_width=ql_grid.shape[1] // out_scale, dst_height=ql_grid.shape[0] // out_scale, ) thumb_args = dict( driver="JPEG", quality=compress_quality, height=thumb_height, width=thumb_width, count=3, dtype="uint8", nodata=0, transform=thumb_transform, crs=out_crs, ) with, "r") as ql_ds: ql_ds: DatasetReader with, "w", **thumb_args) as thumb_ds: thumb_ds: DatasetWriter for index in thumb_ds.indexes: thumb_ds.write( index, out_shape=(thumb_height, thumb_width), resampling=resampling, ), index, ) def create_thumbnail_from_numpy( self, rgb: Tuple[numpy.array, numpy.array, numpy.array], out_scale=10, resampling=Resampling.average, static_stretch: Tuple[int, int] = None, percentile_stretch: Tuple[int, int] = (2, 98), compress_quality: int = 85, input_geobox: GridSpec = None, nodata: int = -999, ): """ Generate a thumbnail as numpy arrays. Unlike the default `create_thumbnail` function, this is done entirely in-memory. It will likely require more memory but does not touch the filesystem. A linear stretch is performed on the colour. By default this is a dynamic 2% stretch (the 2% and 98% percentile values of the input). The static_stretch parameter will override this with a static range of values. Any non-contiguous data across the colour domain, will be set to zero. """ ql_grid, numpy_array_list, ql_write_args = _write_to_numpy_array( rgb, resampling, static_range=static_stretch, percentile_range=percentile_stretch, input_geobox=input_geobox, nodata=nodata, ) out_crs = # Scale and write as JPEG to the output. (thumb_transform, thumb_width, thumb_height,) = calculate_default_transform( out_crs, out_crs, ql_grid.shape[1], ql_grid.shape[0], *ql_grid.bounds, dst_width=ql_grid.shape[1] // out_scale, dst_height=ql_grid.shape[0] // out_scale, ) thumb_args = dict( driver="JPEG", quality=compress_quality, height=thumb_height, width=thumb_width, count=3, dtype="uint8", nodata=0, transform=thumb_transform, crs=out_crs, ) with MemoryFile() as mem_tif_file: with**ql_write_args) as dataset: for i, data in enumerate(numpy_array_list): dataset.write(data, i + 1) with MemoryFile() as mem_jpg_file: with**thumb_args) as thumbnail: for index in thumbnail.indexes: thumbnail.write( # write the data from temp_tif to temp_jpg index, out_shape=(thumb_height, thumb_width), resampling=Resampling.average, ), index, ) return_bytes = return return_bytes def create_thumbnail_singleband( self, in_file: Path, out_file: Path, bit: int = None, lookup_table: Dict[int, Tuple[int, int, int]] = None, ): """ Write out a JPG thumbnail from a singleband image. This takes in a path to a valid raster dataset and writes out a file with only the values of the bit (integer) as white """ if bit is not None and lookup_table is not None: raise ValueError( "Please set either bit or lookup_table, and not both of them" ) if bit is None and lookup_table is None: raise ValueError( "Please set either bit or lookup_table, you haven't set either of them" ) with as dataset: data = out_data, stretch = self._filter_singleband_data(data, bit, lookup_table) meta = dataset.meta meta["driver"] = "GTiff" with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir: if bit: # Only use one file, three times temp_file = Path(temp_dir) / "temp.tif" with, "w", **meta) as tmpdataset: tmpdataset.write(out_data) self.create_thumbnail( (temp_file, temp_file, temp_file), out_file, static_stretch=stretch, ) else: # Use three different files temp_files = tuple(Path(temp_dir) / f"temp_{i}.tif" for i in range(3)) for i in range(3): with[i], "w", **meta) as tmpdataset: tmpdataset.write(out_data[i]) self.create_thumbnail(temp_files, out_file, static_stretch=stretch) def create_thumbnail_singleband_from_numpy( self, input_data: numpy.array, bit: int = None, lookup_table: Dict[int, Tuple[int, int, int]] = None, input_geobox: GridSpec = None, nodata: int = -999, ) -> bytes: """ Output a thumbnail ready bytes from the input numpy array. This takes a valid raster data (numpy arrary) and return out bytes with only the values of the bit (integer) as white. """ if bit is not None and lookup_table is not None: raise ValueError( "Please set either bit or lookup_table, and not both of them" ) if bit is None and lookup_table is None: raise ValueError( "Please set either bit or lookup_table, you haven't set either of them" ) out_data, stretch = self._filter_singleband_data(input_data, bit, lookup_table) if bit: rgb = [out_data, out_data, out_data] else: rgb = out_data return self.create_thumbnail_from_numpy( rgb=rgb, static_stretch=stretch, input_geobox=input_geobox, nodata=nodata, ) def _filter_singleband_data( self, data: numpy.array, bit: int = None, lookup_table: Dict[int, Tuple[int, int, int]] = None, ): """ Apply bit or lookup_table to filter the numpy array and generate the thumbnail content. """ if bit is not None: out_data = numpy.copy(data) out_data[data != bit] = 0 stretch = (0, bit) if lookup_table is not None: out_data = [ numpy.full_like(data, 0), numpy.full_like(data, 0), numpy.full_like(data, 0), ] stretch = (0, 255) for value, rgb in lookup_table.items(): for index in range(3): out_data[index][data == value] = rgb[index] return out_data, stretch def _write_to_numpy_array( rgb: Sequence[numpy.array], resampling: Resampling, static_range: Tuple[int, int], percentile_range: Tuple[int, int] = (2, 98), input_geobox: GridSpec = None, nodata: int = -999, ) -> GridSpec: """ Write an intensity-scaled wgs84 image using the given files as bands. """ if input_geobox is None: raise NotImplementedError("generating geobox from numpy is't yet supported") out_crs = CRS.from_epsg(4326) ( reprojected_transform, reprojected_width, reprojected_height, ) = calculate_default_transform(, out_crs, input_geobox.shape[1], input_geobox.shape[0], *input_geobox.bounds, ) reproj_grid = GridSpec( (reprojected_height, reprojected_width), reprojected_transform, crs=out_crs ) ql_write_args = dict( driver="GTiff", dtype="uint8", count=len(rgb), width=reproj_grid.shape[1], height=reproj_grid.shape[0], transform=reproj_grid.transform,, nodata=0, tiled="yes", ) # Only set blocksize on larger imagery; enables reduced resolution processing if reproj_grid.shape[0] > 512: ql_write_args["blockysize"] = 512 if reproj_grid.shape[1] > 512: ql_write_args["blockxsize"] = 512 # Calculate combined nodata mask valid_data_mask = numpy.ones(input_geobox.shape, dtype="bool") calculated_range = read_valid_mask_and_value_range( valid_data_mask, _iter_arrays(rgb, nodata=nodata), percentile_range ) output_list = [] for band_no, (image, nodata) in enumerate( _iter_arrays(rgb, nodata=nodata), start=1 ): reprojected_data = numpy.zeros(reproj_grid.shape, dtype=numpy.uint8) reproject( rescale_intensity( image, image_null_mask=~valid_data_mask, in_range=(static_range or calculated_range), out_range=(1, 255), out_dtype=numpy.uint8, ), reprojected_data,, src_transform=input_geobox.transform, src_nodata=0,, dst_nodata=0, dst_transform=reproj_grid.transform, resampling=resampling, num_threads=2, ) output_list.append(reprojected_data) del reprojected_data return reproj_grid, output_list, ql_write_args def _write_quicklook( rgb: Sequence[Path], dest_path: Path, resampling: Resampling, static_range: Tuple[int, int], percentile_range: Tuple[int, int] = (2, 98), input_geobox: GridSpec = None, ) -> GridSpec: """ Write an intensity-scaled wgs84 image using the given files as bands. """ if input_geobox is None: with[0]) as ds: input_geobox = GridSpec.from_rio(ds) out_crs = CRS.from_epsg(4326) ( reprojected_transform, reprojected_width, reprojected_height, ) = calculate_default_transform(, out_crs, input_geobox.shape[1], input_geobox.shape[0], *input_geobox.bounds, ) reproj_grid = GridSpec( (reprojected_height, reprojected_width), reprojected_transform, crs=out_crs ) ql_write_args = dict( driver="GTiff", dtype="uint8", count=len(rgb), width=reproj_grid.shape[1], height=reproj_grid.shape[0], transform=reproj_grid.transform,, nodata=0, tiled="yes", ) # Only set blocksize on larger imagery; enables reduced resolution processing if reproj_grid.shape[0] > 512: ql_write_args["blockysize"] = 512 if reproj_grid.shape[1] > 512: ql_write_args["blockxsize"] = 512 with, "w", **ql_write_args) as ql_ds: ql_ds: DatasetWriter # Calculate combined nodata mask valid_data_mask = numpy.ones(input_geobox.shape, dtype="bool") calculated_range = read_valid_mask_and_value_range( valid_data_mask, _iter_images(rgb), percentile_range ) for band_no, (image, nodata) in enumerate(_iter_images(rgb), start=1): reprojected_data = numpy.zeros(reproj_grid.shape, dtype=numpy.uint8) reproject( rescale_intensity( image, image_null_mask=~valid_data_mask, in_range=(static_range or calculated_range), out_range=(1, 255), out_dtype=numpy.uint8, ), reprojected_data,, src_transform=input_geobox.transform, src_nodata=0,, dst_nodata=0, dst_transform=reproj_grid.transform, resampling=resampling, num_threads=2, ) ql_ds.write(reprojected_data, band_no) del reprojected_data return reproj_grid LazyImages = Iterable[Tuple[numpy.ndarray, int]] def _iter_images(rgb: Sequence[Path]) -> LazyImages: """ Lazily load a series of single-band images from a path. Yields the image array and nodata value. """ for path in rgb: with as ds: ds: DatasetReader if ds.count != 1: raise NotImplementedError( "multi-band measurement files aren't yet supported" ) yield, ds.nodata def _iter_arrays(rgb: Sequence[numpy.array], nodata: int) -> LazyImages: """ Lazily load a series of single-band images from a path. Yields the image array and nodata value. """ for data in rgb: yield data, nodata def read_valid_mask_and_value_range( valid_data_mask: numpy.ndarray, images: LazyImages, calculate_percentiles: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None, ) -> Optional[Tuple[int, int]]: """ Read the given images, filling in a valid data mask and optional pixel percentiles. """ calculated_range = (-sys.maxsize - 1, sys.maxsize) for array, nodata in images: valid_data_mask &= array != nodata if calculate_percentiles is not None: the_data = array[valid_data_mask] # Check if there's a non-empty array first if the_data.any(): low, high = numpy.percentile( the_data, calculate_percentiles, interpolation="nearest" ) calculated_range = ( max(low, calculated_range[0]), min(high, calculated_range[1]), ) return calculated_range def rescale_intensity( image: numpy.ndarray, in_range: Tuple[int, int], out_range: Optional[Tuple[int, int]] = None, image_nodata: int = None, image_null_mask: numpy.ndarray = None, out_dtype=numpy.uint8, out_nodata=0, ) -> numpy.ndarray: """ Based on scikit-image's rescale_intensity, but does fewer copies/allocations of the array. (and it saves us bringing in the entire dependency for one small method) """ if image_null_mask is None: if image_nodata is None: raise ValueError("Must specify either a null mask or a nodata val") image_null_mask = image == image_nodata imin, imax = in_range omin, omax = out_range or (numpy.iinfo(out_dtype).min, numpy.iinfo(out_dtype).max) # The intermediate calculation will need floats. # We'll convert to it immediately to avoid modifying the input array image = image.astype(numpy.float64) numpy.clip(image, imin, imax, out=image) image -= imin image /= float(imax - imin) image *= omax - omin image += omin image = image.astype(out_dtype) image[image_null_mask] = out_nodata return image